Your turn-key project & fabrication partner

We leverage partnership and innovation to deliver sustainable solutions.

Oil and Gas

Nymo has decades of experience and successful delivery of EPCI- projects within:

  • Topside Modules
  • Subsea Modules
  • Plug and Abandonment
  • Gas turbine accessories

Green transition and expanding markets

We are advancing the "Green Shift" by diversifying beyond O&G, focusing on solutions in Offshore Wind, Hydrogen Storage, and Fish Farming.

Gas turbine accessories

Nymo has a significant track record within installation of optimized accessories for gas turbines, compressors and generators.

Engineering Services

We provide engineering services, including studies, FEED, detailed design, and project execution, across diverse markets and product segments.

A regional cornerstone business with 75 years of history – part of the JJ Ugland Companies

We are proud to combine our core expertise with technology innovations, developed in close cooperation with partners, to form competitive solutions for the future low carbon energy environment and other sustainable industries.

Our operation model includes open and close cooperation with customers and partners to ensure our projects are developed and delivered on time, at agreed cost and at the satisfaction of all involved parties.

From Local smithy to ship repair-yard

The company was founded and got named A/S Nymo Fabrikker. Founder was Mr. Alf Ribe, who initially intended to build up a foundry to produce hearths and stoves. Became part of the JJ Ugland Companies in 1956.

First job for the Oil and gas industry

Upgrade of Ocean Prince for British Sector, as early as 1966. This was so far the biggest job ever performed at the yard. The rig left Grimstad in May 1967 and was the first rig repair performed at any Norwegian yards.

Delivering Quality today, preparing for tomorrow

With 75 years in business, Nymo continue to deliver top quality projects - primarily to the oil and gas industry, but with increasing focus on new markets

Renewable and blue markets


As Nymo management is committed to perform all activities within existing legal frameworks and to abide with all relevant laws, rules, standards and regulations.

We comply with strict anti-bribery and code of conduct programs, and strive to create shareholder value with prudent and transparent financial management.

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Nymo Stories

Jan-Børre Sannæs er ansatt som Viseadministrerende direktør i Nymo, med virkning fra 1. mars 2025. Sannæs vil overta stillingen som daglig leder etter en periode med overlapp med dagens leder, Øyvind Boye.

February 12, 2025

Karrieredagen på UiA

Karrieredagen ved Universitetet i Agder (UiA) på Campus Grimstad ble avholdt 5. februar 2025. Dette årlige arrangementet er en viktig møteplass mellom studenter og næringslivet, spesielt rettet mot studenter innen ingeniørvitenskap, industriell økonomi og IKT.

A lot of nice visits in the week that was. Here is the gang from NEW - Node Eyde Women, who were on a company visit and got presentations and a tour.



A highly skilled workforce

The company search to employ motivated and talented people with the energy to move us forward and the mindset of committing to delivering on high standards. If there are no vacant positions matching your interests, please send us your resume and you will be contacted if it is found relevant.

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